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The Millettarian cosmology is a consistent Millettic interpretation of the order of existence, as divided into three essential existences, and three lesser existences, and forms a cornerstone to the Millettarian approach to ontology, logic, and metaphysics. The Millettarian cosmology plays a major and fundamental role in the notions of The Philosophy of Millettism, thus influencing the Millettarian worldview, and all Millettarian approaches to contemplating philosophical concepts, theories, and branches.

The primary existence in the Millettarian cosmology is that which is known as The Cosmos which is physically equivalent to the universe in mainstream thought, while that which is known as The Universe encompasses The Cosmos and takes an infinite existence outside The Cosmos, and in which many cosmoses are believed to reside.

Beyond this, however, The Cosmos is considered to be an animate entity referenced in its entirety, in order to demonstrate the perfection of its orderity, formation, structure, naturity, processes, and its compositeness. The Millettarian Tradition considers The Cosmos to be inescapable for that which exists within it, both physically and mentally, but The Cosmos is also provided a central place in study, contemplation, and devotion in the Millettarian philosophical tradition.

The Cosmos represents perfection in the order of existence as all entities do exist by appearance, process, nature, and dimension, and is contrasted with one of the three lesser existences, known as The Chaos.

The Cosmos-Chaos Dichotomy is characterised by perfect order as manifested by The Cosmos and perfect disorder as manifested by The Chaos. Examples of cosmic entities are the fixed procedures and well-ordered natures of the stars, planets, and galaxies, while examples of chaotic entities, as influenced by The Chaos, include black holes, comets, asteroids, and any other entity that does not fit in with the standard orderity of the cosmical system. These are typically identified by unknownness in action or allegiance, and especially those entities that hold the tendency to destroy ordered processes in The Cosmos.

In addition, The Cosmos and its progenies are the central entities of depiction and representation in Millettarian traditions of art, ornamentation, architecture, and other forms of visual expression which further pertains to the centrality of The Cosmos in Millettarian philosophy, as is manifested by the concept and tenet of cosmocentricity.

There isn't a solidified notion, concept, or theory pertaining to a god in the entirety of The Philosophy of Millettism so as not to stray into the territories of religious philosophy. However, there is that which is known as The Divine, which is one of three essential existences, and could be described to take the role of god in the Millettarian cosmology. The term is interchangeable and applicable to many of the major religious traditions, in addition to non-theism, and even atheism.

In the Millettarian cosmology, The Divine exists beyond both The Cosmos and The Universe and is the primary reason for each of their existences exactly the way they are and everything that exists within them. Millettism contemplates the interactions and the general relationships between these three existences as its primary concern in addressing theology with one of the central areas of contemplation consisting of the extent to which The Divine intercedes with the progenies within The Universe and The Cosmos.

The Divine is considered uniquely infinite in all ways, dimensions, and realities, but it must be emphasised that the construction of the concept of The Divine is made purposefully vague and its study forever indefinite so as not to make a focus of it. This is done with the intention to further differentiate Millettism from religious traditions that tend to focus their philosophies around theological issues.

The three lesser existences of The Chaos, The Mytra, and The Betwixity are designated as such due to their existences within The Cosmos, though the true influence of The Chaos remains an unknown and unanswered notion in the Millettarian Tradition.

The Mytra is one of the three lesser existences within the Millettarian cosmology that relates to one's "individual, unique, and consequential relationship between themselves and The Cosmos". Essentially, The Mytra is one's personal correspondence to The Cosmos within which they reside and therefore each mytra is unique and only beings and entities that are able to perceive hold the ability to have their own mytra.

The Betwixity is the final of the three lesser existences within the Millettarian cosmology and relates to dimensions within The Cosmos itself, within other cosmoses, and the dimensions between such cosmoses. The easiest way to understand The Betwixity is to contemplate the proximities and the disproximities between celestial entities in The Cosmos; essentially, The Betwixity is all the spaces between all things in existence.

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